May, 3-4, 2017 International conference "Saints Cyril and Methodius' Mission and the Eastern Slavonic World" The Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia Report: Christianization of the Roman Empire and the Problem of "Eastern" and "Western" Christianity Shaping
April, 14-15, 2016 International conference "Corpus Aristotelicum in the XXI century" Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy (Branch) of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Yalta, Crimea Report: Aristotelism and Anti-Aristotelism in Ante Nicene Patristics
November, 12-13, 2015 International conference "November Meetings - XI" Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus Report: Relations of the Roman See and the Eastern Churches in the IV century
May, 14-15, 2015 International conference "Ex Oriente Lux" Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Poland Report: The Roman See and the Eastern Churches in the Context of the Christianization of the Roman Empire in the 4th Century
May, 31 - June, 2, 2013 International conference "Saint Emperor Constantine and Christianity" Niš, Republic of Serbia / Centre of Church Studies, Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Nis Report: Religious Tolerance as Christians and Pagans Understood it in the Fourth Century
May, 28-29, 2013 Scientific Conference "Bible and Archeology: interdisciplinary approaches to Biblical and Early Church History" Smolensk/ Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary Report: Special aspects of Christianization of Northern Africa
September, 27 October, 1, 2012 Scientific Conference "A Word and an Artifact: interdisciplinary approaches to antique history studies" Saratov/ Saratov State University Report: Early Christian monuments of Tunisia
October, 5-6, 2011 III Scientific Theological Conference "Topical questions of theological studies" St. Petersburg/ Ecclesiastical Academy of Russian Orthodox Church Report: Early Christian Rhodes
May, 17-18, 2011 Scientific Conference "Bible and Archeology: interdisciplinary approaches to Biblical and Early Church History" Smolensk/ Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary Report: Desacralization of Paganism: Evidence of Archeology
October, 1-5, 2010 Scientific Conference "A Word and an Artifact: interdisciplinary approaches to antique history studies" Saratov/ Saratov State University Report: Christian Churches in Pagan Sanctuaries (On the question of consolidation of Christianity in Asia Minor)
September, 15-16, 2010 International conference "The Bible and Scholarship: Bridging the Gap Between the Academy and the Church" Zvenigorod, St.Andrew's Biblical Theological Institute and Kerk in Actie (Netherlands) Report: "Biblical and Church History: New Approaches to Artifact and Text Studies"  
October, 15, 2008 International scientific and practical conference "Biblical Ethical Teaching and Modern World" Smolensk/ Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary Report: "Biblical Exegesis and Christianization of the Roman Empire"
October, 3-5, 2008 Scientific Conference "A Word and an Artifact: interdisciplinary approaches to antique history studies" Saratov/ Saratov State University Report: "Classification of the Sources on the History of Ancient Christianity"
August, 6-11, 2007 XV International Conference on Patristic Studies

Oxford, United Kingdom/ the Faculty of Theology in the University of Oxford

Morning lecture: "Letters of Western Bishops to the Emperor Theodosius I and Relations between the Eastern and Western Churches at the End of the Fourth Century"
November, 23-24, 2006 International scientific conference "Romanoff's Readings III" Mogilev/ Mogilev State University Republic of Belorussia Report: "The Battle at the Milvian Bridge and the Legend on Constantine's Conversion"
November, 15-17, 2005 International scientific and practical conference "Sources-X. Religion and personality in the past and present times" Moscow/ Russian University of Friendship, Vladimir/ Vladimir State University Report: "Religion and Personality in the society of Late Antiquity"
June,20-22, 2005 "Access to national information, which is the common property of the people" Smolensk/
Regional government
Report: "E-learning: possibilities, difficulties, prospects"
April, 7-8, 2005 VI International scientific conference, dedicated to 100 anniversary of Professor F.M.Nechai and to 50 anniversary of the foundation of the united department of Ancient and Medieval History Minsk/ Belorussian State University Report: "The beginning of the great schism in the Church (Rome and Constantinople in the IV century)"
December, 9, 2004 International scientific and practical conference "The experience of developing of the effective system of quality management at the higher educatuional institution" Moscow/ State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics Participation
May,26-28, 2004 Practical conference and seminar-training "PR of nonprofit organizations: strategies, tactics, and technics"

Karelia, Medvejegorsk/
"Project Harmony"

February, 22-26, 2004 Practical conference and seminar-training "Net projects: working in team for development realization of grant projects" Novgorod/
"Project Harmony"
November, 12, 2003 Alumni Round Table "The Internet: Facilitating the Learning Process" Moscow/
American Center, JFDP
October, 27-29, 2003 Scientific and practical seminar "Information technology in management of University and quality of education" Rostov-on-Don/ Rostov State University, TEMPUS-CROSSUM Participation
August, 26-27, 2003 Scientific and practical seminar "Management of the finances of higher educational institution" Tver/
Tver State University,
September, 8-11, 2002 24th Annual EAIR forum "Crossing national, structural and technological borders: development and management in higher education." Prague, Czechia/ EAIR Report: "Private higher education in Russia: Movement to change"
July, 4-7, 2002 Second International conference "Hierarchy and power in the history of civilizations" St.Petersburg/
Russian Academy of Sciences
Report: "The interference of State and Church in the process of the Christianization of the Roman Empire"
November, 3-6, 1998 VIII International conference-exhibition "Information technology in education 98-99" Moscow/
Ministry of education of Russia
Report: "Computer administration of the University"
May, 1-3, 1997 Annual Meeting of Association of Ancient Historians San-Antonio, TX, USA/
May, 23-24, 1996 International conference of the participants of the programs of US government on scientific exchanges between Russia and USA "The role of the scholars in building of civil society". Moscow/
Report: "American experience in the development of the Non-State University in Russia"
April, 1996 International scientific conference "Education. Christianity. Culture". Smolensk/
Smolensk Humanitarian University
Report: "Ancient Christianity and the cultural tradition of Antiquity"
Nonember, 19-22, 1994 Annual Meeting of American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature Chicago, IL, USA/